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apertureonepointfour / aperture 1.4
A friendly “Hello” and “Welcome” to my site. Here you will find information about cameras, lenses and photographic accessories from my point of view - a
a collector with a love of photography and technology.
"No matter what you photograph with, the main thing is that you take pictures."
apertureonepointfour, 2020
The name of my homepage is owed to two of my favorite lenses:
Canon FD 1.4/50mm or Canon (n)FD 1.4/50mm and the Sigma Art 1.4/40mm for Sony E
I have been involved in photography for over 40 years (since 1982 to be precise).
I like to share my experiences with you on YouTube @apertureonepointfour
and here on my homepage!!!
Perhaps you are interested in the following topics; this is only a small selection from my offer for you in
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