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Rollei SL26

Unusual in shape.

Unusual in lens technology.

Unusual in the choice of the recording format - "Instamatic" - 126 cassette film.


Small and light.

Concentrated on the essentials.



This is how I would describe the Rollei SL26, a reflex camera that was built between 1968 and 1974.

In the picture you can see the bayonet of the camera with the permanently mounted lens system, which is included in the optical calculation for the lens attachments offered. The shutter and diaphragm controls are housed in this lens system. A central locking system is used, as you may already know from various medium format cameras. These lens attachments are referred to as "set lenses".

Rollei SL26 Zentralverschluss

Rollei SL26

The camera has a really bright and large one (not only for the time), so that focusing on the subject is quick and easy.  

The built-in CDS exposure meter works with the tracking method. However, it requires a PX625 mercury battery, which is no longer available in Europe today. Alternatives are zinc-air batteries or a look at Russia ...

Rollei SL26 mit 3,2 28mm

Rollei SL26

The Rolleiflex SL 26 is a high-quality 126 cassette camera "Instamatic camera", but only that

were produced about 28,000 times. It was in the price list for DM 628.23, its two other set lenses (in addition to the f / 2.8-  40mm, which was supplied with the camera) with 232.43 DM for the wide-angle Pro-Tessar f / 3.2 - 28 mm and 282.88 DM for the Pro-Tessar f / 4 - 80mm.

Rollei SL26 mit 2,8 40mm

Rollei SL26

Technical data, as far as I know:

Manufacturer: Rollei-Werke Franke & Heidecke Braunschweig
Film type: Instamatik - cassettes (type 126), 28x28 mm negative format
Standard lens attachment: Carl Zeiss Tessar 2.8 / 40 (4 lenses in three groups)
Distance setting: manual
Aperture range: 2.8 - 22, depending on the lens attachment used
Bayonet: SL26 bayonet
(Front part of the set lenses changeable)
Filter thread: SL26 filter bayonet
Shutter speeds: 1/2 - 1/500 sec. and "B"
Exposure metering: TTL tracking metering
Blitz: Standard hot shoe with center contact
Viewfinder: SLR viewfinder with sectional frame and microprismatic ring, no focusing screen,
Exposure meter tracking needle
Without self-timer

Cable release connector

Attachment for shoulder strap
Power supply: 1x PX625 mercury oxide cell
Dimensions: 112 x 91 x 70 mm (with 40mm set lens)
Weight: 540 grams

Rollei SL26 mit 4 80mm

Here is a small picture gallery with pictures that were taken with the Rollei SL26. For the pictures I used films that had been overlaid for at least 21 years. Nevertheless, or precisely because of this (?), The pictures have their special charm.
The black and white images shown are also recorded on color film.


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