Canon EOS 650
die Ur-EOS-Modelle
35 Jahre Canon EOS - System
1987 - 2022
To celebrate this milestone in photography, I have put together the ultimate comparison of the four original models of the analogue Canon EOS series. The bodies are all based on the body of the first Canon EOS camera introduced, the Canon EOS 650.
Even today, I still love taking pictures with these models!
My entry into the Canon EOS world began with the Canon EOS 600.

Canon EOS 650
die Ur-EOS-Modelle
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Canon EOS System
1987 - 2022
A milestone has turned 35 years old!
More than 35 years ago, Canon launched the first EOS model, the EOS 650, followed by the Canon EOS 620, 600 and RT.
Yes, I know there were two more models (EOS 750 and 850, but we won't talk about those simple models...).
Analog cameras for the most used type of film at the time, 35mm film.
Even today I can highly recommend any of these cameras - not only for beginners in the world of analog 35mm photography.
This video is about the differences between these four cameras.
Here I have some more .pdf files for you to download - enjoy!
Just click on the respective image!